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   Discussion: Please see "Where the Money Goes"
Patrick Herman · 9 years, 3 months ago

Please check under Useful Documetns on the link bar for a short article called "where the money goes" in which I attempt to explain why it really does cost $235 per scout per year.

Parents please read this to understand why we need you to:

  • pay dues or make arrangements to do so  - monthly installments are possible
  • sell popcorn and turn in popcorn sales sheets and proceeds in a timely manner
  • in lieu of selling popcorn, or where making up for a shortfall against the scout's sales goal, make arrangements for a partial or full buyout payment.

We will recharter the pack in November. After that time we will set our budget for rest of year based on final enrollment and current financial position. In cases of unpaid annual dues we may require partial payment before a scout may resume den and pack activities.

I realize the dues and popcorn sales side of the pack is not the fun part. The faster we can get through this the more time we have to focus on the whole point, which is Scouts having fun with purpose.




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