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Cuboree Recap

Posted on Sun, Oct 23, 2016

A summary of the Cuboree, October 21-23


Folks, we had a great time at the Cuboree! Many thanks to all the new families who took it on faith that they would like Cubscouts enough to justify buying tents, sleeping bags, cookware... I salute ya'll, and I really hope you felt so welcome! I am delighted you joined.

Welcome to first-time Pack 404 Campers and their families:

  • Reese Beaudoin (Tiger)
  • Rylon Roberts (Tiger)
  • Malachi Aporta (Tiger)
  • Matthew Copeland (Tiger)
  • Joel Farrar (Wolf)
  • Ajavian Curry (Bear)
  • Kameran Johnson (Bear)


  • Reese Beaudoin (Tiger)
  • Rylon Roberts (Tiger)
  • Joel Farrar (Wolf)
  • Ajavian Curry (Bear)
  • Kameran Johnson (Bear)

Two scouts earned their Whittling Chip badge / Bear Claws achievement:

  • Kameran Johnson​
  • Ajavian Curry

I​ would like to thank all the den leaders who planned achievement work for their dens. I would also like to thank all the parents for chippinng in and helping with chaos control and just plain old parenting - it was a good village effort. Special thanks to Ann and Garry Copeland for breakfast danishes this morning!!

We have a special "seasonal / temporary" badge for all scouts who attended, and we'll pass this out soon as possible.

Upcoming... stay tuned for these things:

  • Popcorn pickup at Mitchell Elementary (all scouts who sold popcorn): 11/4
  • Dues are due that day. Please see email forthcoming. We MUST have your dues or an arrangement scheduled as we are now out of cash from operations at the start of the year
  • Pack meeting on 11/5 at Prince of Peace - see calendar event. Mr. Mark Beaudoin will be leading this one as Brendan and I will be hunting in East Texas. I believe we plan to pass out the rocket kits at this meeting - so a) please join, and b) another reason we need your dues.
  • Check email and calendars for den meetings

In closing, please join me in a quiet prayer of thanks to God for new scouts (the life of the pack), new parents (the guarantee that this valuable experience will go on), and a truly beautiful weekend (the sounds of I-20 hardly distracted from our deep woods campsite).

Have a blessed week,

Patrick J. Herman

Cubmaster, Pack 404

PS: I would be remiss if I didn't remind all parents: there are 4 months 18 days until I retire from Cub Scouts. The next Cubmaster is reading this note, and just hasn't accepted it yet. :-)

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